Following the interest taken in our Children’s Holliday Club in August, it was decided after much thought and prayer, to set aside the Harvest Thanksgiving Service in September (2017) as a special children’s Sunday. This was a step of faith as we had no idea how many, if any, children would come.
Contacts from the Holiday Club were followed up and a large banner displayed on the front railings. The space in the church was re-organised, a corner set aside with toys for the youngest children and large table erected. On these were piled fruits and vegetable, which made the church look very ‘harvest’.
The service included songs, a Bible story told by Lily the puppets. The children and adults were then invited to use the fruit and veg on the tables to make their own designs. This was done with great enthusiasm and later the children, with their parent’s permission, had their photos taken with their ‘harvest creations’. The service concluded with the singing of the favourite harvest hymn, ‘We plough the fields and scatter’.
Of course, no such event is complete without refreshments, and these were enjoyed by everyone before they left.
We give praise and thanks to God for His goodness, not just for His generous provision of our daily food, but for the inspiration and enabling of His Holy Spirit without which we could not have achieved such a happy morning.
More picture on our facebook page