About us

Welcome to Salem Baptist Church

Salem is all about worship God and loving people.

Hey there! Thank you for stopping by our website. If you are searching for a good church, we know we are the place for you. Check out the “Plan a Visit” page here where you can find the answers to your questions. If you have never been to our church before, come by this Sunday! We look forward to meeting you! God bless.


Our History

This is by no means an exhaustive account of our history, but we are very grateful to all the people in the past who have taken the time to write their accounts over the years of Salem Baptist Church Romford down on paper. We have not changed any of the content and have kept it in its original form as it is in the booklet.

A short summary of our history

Although the original idea to form a church of the Baptist Denomination was first rooted in 1833 by a Godly Man (I R Ward), he was unavoidably prevented.

Through a series of personal tragedies, including the death of his wife, the plan was postponed until May 1834 when a room was opened for prayer on Wednesday evenings.

On the 15th March 1835, this ministry was extended to include Sunday morning worship. It was not until the 13th May 1836 that the church was finally and officially formed.

There can be no doubt there were no rich people among the founder members. What is obvious is that individually, they were very ordinary, humble God-fearing folk with a love for Jesus and His Gospel, they wished to communicate to the then, gross darkness engulfing their benighted town of Romford.

From the Inaugural Church Minutes of 1836 one is impressed by their faith, their humility, their love for Jesus and each other.

Certainly, we have nothing of which to be ashamed in the Christian character and courage of our brothers and sisters in Christ, who in obedience to a heavenly compulsion founded our church 176 years ago.

During that time in the process of ministering to their fellow citizens in Romford, it has witnessed the coronation of Kings and Queens, social and political upheaval, three wars. In the World War II it had the distinction of being the only church in Romford that did not close its doors for Sunday worship throughout, in spite of their air raids and the church hall suffering a direct hit by two incendiary bombs.

In 1936 the majority of church members relocated to new buildings in Main Road. The minority who remanded did so because they saw the necessity to retain a Gospel witness on their historic ‘Salem’ site in the London

Romford City

We love Romford and want to play an active part in working for the good of the city. It’s not the limit of what we do, but it is the base from which we move out in this nation and beyond.


We believe it is vital to stay connected to other churches.

We are part of Baptist Union/Eastern Baptist Association



Claudiu Nitisor – Pastor

Daniela Nitisor

Graham Clark



Car Park

There is limited on-site parking with access from St. Andrews Rd and some off-site parking in side streets around the Church.

The Brewery (RM1 1AU) car park (over 1600 parking spaces) is at 5 minute walk / free on Sundays



Sunday Services

The church meets every Sunday at 10:30 am for our Morning Service.

After the main meeting finishes, there may be an opportunity for prayer otherwise free tea, coffee and biscuits will be served.

No dress code.

If you have any questions about our Sunday Services or need to get in touch with us about any other enquiry we will be happy to help.

plan-a-visit FAQ

Sunday Evening

The church meets every Sunday Evening at 3:30 for our re-energize Service.

Re-Energize Service is a service focus on children ages 5-12.

Games, Craft, Singing, Bible Story, Refreshments.

It is about fun and making new friends.



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How can you donate?

Account Name: Salem Baptist Church

Account Number: 80991360

Sort Code: 30-97-13



Contact us

Get in touch


Salem Baptist Church

London Road
London, RM7 9QA

Contact Number:

07446 183680

Email Address:

[email protected]



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